Join us Saturday, September 9th 1:30pm DCR Borderland State Park, Easton, MA.
(For more information regarding the walk-a-thon, click on the "2017 Walk-a-thon" under the "Events" page)
**You can still Register up until the day of the event,
BUT will not receive CMF 5K Run/Walk T-Shirt
Participant Registration Fee AFTER DEADLINE is $10.00
Borderland State Park Parking Fee
CMF re-usable bag
Food, Drinks, & Activities
$6.00 Fee For Spectators or non-registered Children of Participants
- Includes -
Food, Drinks, & Activities
To reach our goal of raising $15,000,
we are asking each INDIVIDUAL participant to raise a minimum of $150.00,
and each FAMILY to raise a minimum of $300.00.
*To thank you for your hard work raising funds, we will be providing Visa gift cards to the individual and family that raises the most funds.* Does not include personal donations.
Please select T-shirt sizes from the following options -
Youth - XS, Small, Medium, Large, or XL
Adult - XS, Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL, or 3XL
See size chart information below.
Pay Registration Fee:
Note: Multiple fees can be paid during one transaction by changing the quantity, i.e., if paying for entire family/group.
Once registered, a pledge sheet will be emailed to you.
It is also available below.